
        During this Erasmus project, I've hung out with loads of awesome people. We became friends and had the best time together. I love them all, but there was this one Italian girl who was just next level. Every time I photographed her, she'd make those silly faces, and she was really easy to talk to. I'll never forget the time she decided to learn how to count from one to ten in Romanian for her drama performance. Her pronunciation was good, but it was so funny that even on her last day in Romania, I begged her to do it again. Also, on that same day, we all went to a Romanian restaurant, and she tried our traditional dish, "sarmale" and totally loved it.

        I am grateful that I had the chance to be part of this amazing project and to meet those special people.

Writer: Grigore Cristina

        One activity that i really liked was the first one, where we had to identify each other using old pictures of us. Some of us looked similar then and now, but the twist that i enjoyed was that hidden with our pictures were also old photos of the teachers!

Writer: Ioniță Ileana

       On the first day of the project, I was nervous about the activities that were going to take place. However, in a short time, I realized that this project is an ideal opportunity to develop my English language skills and to make new friends and have beautiful experiences together. The only thing I regret is that the project lasted only a week.

Writer: Niță Robert

This has been my first time ever taking part in an Erasmus project, and, at first, I was a bit nervous as I had no idea what to expect, but soon, all the worry was gone. Everyone was so kind and friendly and they made me feel very comfortable. I'm glad we got to enjoy all of the activities together and create such wonderful memories.
I also hosted Aglaé and I was very happy to have her as part of my family and I really hope she felt at home with us. Even though we didn't have much time together, I believe we managed to spend it in a meaningful way. 
That week passed in the blink of an eye, and I'm sad everyone had to leave, but I hope we will be able to see each other again in the upcoming mobilities!

Writer: Florescu Ruxandra

        When I heard that we had to come up with our own ideas at the drama workshop, not only to play them, it seemed difficult to me, but I had a pleasant time working with them. Every activity turned out to be easy and at the same time funny just because we were all a team. I must say that Alec played the character „Max” pretty amazing.

        It impressed me the way we instantly connected and it was so hard to say goodbye. I remember how much Aglaé cried and she made us all emotional.

        I loved how every country showed traditional dances. We enjoyed wholeheartedly every moment of the Thursday evening.

Writer: Polifrone Anisia

        In the beggining I admired the way Demir tried to be friends with us by making jokes about Hollywood stars.  I'm still laughing every time I think about it, because his humor is one of a kind!


Writer: Călțun Ștefan


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