October 11th, 2023

On Wednesday, the activity took place outside of the school building. We all met up at 8 o’clock in the morning to go by coach to Sinaia. After arriving there, we went for a walk through the central park, took pictures in front of the casino and visited the Sinaia Monastery. We then impatiently headed towards Peleș Castle. Everyone was fascinated by the interior adorned with ornate furniture, lavish tapestry and elaborate wooden carvings.

At lunch, we had some traditional food at “Poftă sau foame'' Restaurant in Brașov. There, we also celebrated the birthday of two of our colleagues: Ileana and Robert. Afterwards, we visited one of the most well-known tourist attractions in Brașov: the Black Church. Then we went to the White Tower, where we got to see a stunning panoramic view of the city.

         Towards evening, we went to the Cantacuzino Castle, where we received a guided tour. As we were exploring each room, we were finding out more and more about the history of the Cantacuzino family, who played a great role throughout Romania’s history, and, at the end, we received some information about the filming process of the Wednesday series.

On the way home, on the coach, we sang French, Italian and Turkish songs, but also popular Romanian ones, such as “Dragostea din tei”, which even the non-Romanians in our group knew. It was a truly interesting day, and I would say it was also a very successful one.

Writer: Săndulescu Maria

Editor & translator: Florescu Ruxandra


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