October 12th, 2023

         Thursday, October 12th, marked the big day: the one when we presented our plays in front of everyone else. But before the staged performance, we had to make sure everything else was ready too.

             That morning, we had time to finish our scripts and rehearse the plays to get a feel for how we would act on stage. Some of us went outside in the schoolyard to rehearse, while others used the hallway for their practice session. After the activities at school were done, we were supposed to go to Bucov park, but, unexpectedly, before that, we also ended up presenting the plays in the classroom. The space was a bit tight, but that didn't affect how brilliant and funny the plays were. We ended up having some good laughs and also being amazed by the creativity of our colleagues.

           After lunch break, we met up to take the coach to Bucov, where we first went to visit the zoo, which everyone ended up walking through at their own pace. Once we gathered outside of it, we went to the stage in the park to formally present the plays. Unlike in the classroom, we didn't have the element of surprise, and it was definitely more spacious, maybe too much so. Nonetheless, we still had a wonderful time watching the plays once again. We saw how Max traveled back in time to meet his Music teacher, Alexa Popa, as a student, how he met Remi François, the clock-maker, who created the watch that allowed him to time-travel, how he accidentally went to the past in different eras and encountered various cultures, each with their own superstitions, and how he witnessed his grandfather's life, his hardships and how that made Max a more grateful person.

        Once we had staged our plays, we had a few hours of free time to prepare for the farewell dinner. That evening was truly special, and it was a very emotional moment for all of us. We talked, danced, sung and, most importantly, created memories and recalled everything that happened during that week. Some of us who are more sensitive were so touched by the short time we spent together, that they couldn't help shedding some tears at the thought that it was almost over. We left rather late, maybe because we were afraid we would wake up from this beautiful dream, feeling unable to bare parting ways.

Writer: Florescu Ruxandra
Editor: Florescu Ruxandra


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