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21st December, 2023

            The final day of the mobility began in a productive manner, as we worked hard to finish our scripts and rehearse the plays. Everyone focused on perfecting their own performance, but none can deny that we were filled with curiosity regarding what the other teams had prepared.           After having lunch at the canteen, we gathered at the school entrance to prepare for our trip to Montbéliard. There we visited the Beurnier-Rossel Museum of Art and History, where we learnt about the lifestyle of the urban bourgeoisie of the 18th and 19th centuries and viewed numerous exhibits relating the history of the town. And, of course, until we had to head back, we were free to roam the Christmas market, although the weather wasn’t so friendly.           As evening approached, we returned to Belfort and we finally staged the plays we all worked so hard on. Everyone had started from the same prompt, but each team had developed its own unique story, each having at least one moment tha

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